Social Smarts: Featuring Kiara Jones of Worth Clark Realty


Just named a top-50 Realtor® on social media by Property Spark, Kiara Jones is a high-power producer making a name for herself in the St. Louis region. Curious to know how she uses social media to grow her real estate business? Then read on for the quick dish on how Kiara’s social smarts can help take your Realtor® game to the next level.

Q. What inspired you to start your real estate business?

A. I’ve always had a plan to become a real estate agent. When I was an undergraduate in college, I worked for a mortgage company in the loss mitigation department, and I worked with foreclosures, short sales, and bankruptcies. I liked the job, but it wasn’t anything I’d consider a passion. So, I made the goal to graduate from college then get my real estate license.

Q. What was that “moment” that you thought, wow…this might be something I will love?

A. I started off struggling in real estate, and I began as a full-time Realtor. Even when the funds were low, I refused to apply for jobs because I knew in my heart that I could do this job, and no other career path fulfilled me more.

Q. What is the best real estate advice you’ve received?

A. There is no specific blueprint for becoming a successful agent. Do what works for you. Also, FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP, FOLLOW UP!

Q. You’ve built a significant following on multiple social media platforms- what are three keys to your social media success?

A. Getting into real estate, I would go to Social Media trainings and webinars. This thought was completely redundant considering I’m a Millennial and part of the generation to grow up during the birth of the Internet AND social media (I had my first Facebook page as a sophomore in high school). Instead, I found it more valuable to follow these three keys to social media.

1. Be yourself. People work with who they know, like, and trust.

2. Be engaging. It’s called SOCIAL media for a reason!

3. Be versatile! I hate when Realtors® only post real-estate-related items on their social media, so why would I do the same? I’m so much more than my business!

Q. What are your top content tips for Realtors® looking to expand their influence on social media to generate leads ultimately?

A. Only post what truly interests you. Suppose you love beer, post beer! If you love the outdoors, focus on hiking trails and outdoor activities. There are a billion people in the world. It’s inevitable someone is going to enjoy the same things you do.

Q. What first attracted you to Worth Clark Realty?

A. The very first thing that caught my eye is that WCR is a Missouri based company – homegrown in my primary STL market. Secondly, it’s an entirely different dynamic from where I was previously. WCR focuses more on the growth of my business as well as the company rather than hierarchy and overly-complicated and archaic processes. Plus, there are many agents within the industry who I thoroughly enjoy being around that are a part of the company too!

Q. What does the virtual platform of WCR offer you that your previous brokerage lacked?

A. I love the option of customization. I can genuinely run my business the way I want to. If I need help between my colleges and WCR resources, I can find solutions. However, if I want to do my own thing, it is also welcome. I love that!

Q. Has the transition from one brokerage to another been stress-free?

A. Very much so! WCR explained the process and was very engaging and supportive as I waited for the transfer. It was a very pleasant experience.

Q. What would you tell agents who are considering joining Worth Clark?

A. I would highly recommend scheduling a quick chat with WCR! From my four-plus years of experience in the real estate industry, I’ve found it’s easy to get lost in office politics. That isn’t the case for this company. If you are relatively self-sufficient and have a vision of how you want your real estate business to be, WCR is definitely a company worth experiencing!

Are you ready to access the same support, tools, compensation, and training Kiara Jones enjoys at Worth Clark? Book your 15-minute, no-obligation discovery call today (CLICK HERE) or to simply learn more, follow THIS LINK.

About the Author
Worth Clark Realty
We’re a true full-service real estate brokerage, providing innovative and value-driven services to help people buy, sell, and lease residential real estate.

We're proud to be agent-owned.