Commission Calculator

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you earn with us?

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@Worth Clark
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at Worth Clark
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*For "Pro" members, $49 for risk & compliance starts after reaching the transaction fee cap ($99 for Teams). Other terms and conditions may apply.
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Agent Testimonials

“I joined Worth Clark because I loved the idea of being a part of an established, successful, Inc 500 brokerage just entering the Denver-metro real estate market. I researched WCR thoroughly before even reaching out to introduce myself. It’s hard to not be impressed with their successes, market share, and presence in other areas of the country.”

Carrie Wigglesworth, Denver REALTOR®

“I chose to join the WCR team a few months ago and haven’t looked back! As a new agent, I was hoping to find support yet flexibility in a brokerage, and that’s just what Worth Clark Realty has offered. Our weekly updates, intranet, and agent events offer training and support as often or as little as you choose to participate, and the low brokerage fees, flexible schedule, and…”

Kristen Beahm, St. Louis REALTOR®