From Connections to Closings: 3 Networking Tips for Real Estate Agents

What makes a successful real estate agent? Networking. It’s a cornerstone of the industry. For Realtors®, connecting with people is essential for selling homes, meeting fellow agents, and building valuable relationships. Essentially, real estate networking isn’t just about finding clients — it’s about fostering connections with colleagues and industry professionals who can help you learn and grow in your career. Keep reading to learn three key tips for identifying and nurturing these connections to build a successful real estate business. 


Tip 1: Focus on Identifying Key Connections  

As a Realtor® with an entrepreneurial spirit, asking for help or advice can sometimes feel challenging. However, seeking out connections can significantly enhance your business and improve your effectiveness and reputation with clients. Start by researching potential connections through their social media profiles, professional backgrounds, and existing networks. Credibility is crucial, so it is in your best interest to do a deeper dive into determining their reliability by talking to mutual acquaintances or checking LinkedIn endorsements. Attend local real estate events and meetups, and don’t hesitate to reach out for a coffee chat to get to know them better. 

Identifying a valuable connection is about more than their professional success and willingness to share insights and collaborate. Look for active agents in the community that have a reputation for being helpful and approachable. These connections can offer new perspectives on business practices, market trends, and innovative strategies you might not have considered. 


Tip 2: Focus on Cultivating Relationships  

Building strong relationships with fellow agents takes time and effort. To keep the relationships vibrant, regularly check in with your connections, offer services, and plan social outings. Communication is critical — whether through emails, calls, or texts, staying in touch is essential. Be reliable and follow through on promises to build trust. 

Investing time in your professional relationships can lead to mutual benefits. For example, consider co-hosting an open house or collaborating on marketing efforts. These joint ventures can increase your exposure and provide valuable learning experiences. At Worth Clark Realty, we often hear positive feedback from agents who have worked with our agents on a deal. One co-op agent said, “My experience working with Shawn DeCandia at Worth Clark Realty was outstanding. His professionalism, expertise, and dedication were evident, making the process seamless and enjoyable. Thanks to Shawn’s guidance, we were able to close two homes for two happy families. 

Another effective way to cultivate relationships is by being a resource for others. Share your knowledge, offer advice, and be available for support. This generosity often leads to reciprocal relationships where both parties benefit from shared expertise and resources. Collaborating on marketing strategies for real estate agents can also help you and your colleagues reach a broader audience and achieve greater success. 


Tip 3: Focus on Leveraging Connections for Business Growth 

Strong connections with other agents can be a lifeline during client disputes or challenging situations. These relationships can also lead to positive reviews and referrals. Encourage satisfied clients and colleagues to write reviews and share their experiences. Genuine testimonials can significantly boost your credibility and attract new business. 

Leveraging your network goes beyond just seeking referrals. Effective networking for real estate agents involves using your connections to stay informed about market trends, new listings, and upcoming industry events. Building connections with well-known Realtors® can also lead to greater exposure and public speaking opportunities. Speaking at prominent real estate workshops or conventions can elevate your profile and propel your business to heights.   

Networking also provides opportunities for mentorship and learning. Experienced agents can offer guidance and support, helping you avoid common pitfalls and navigate the challenges of the industry. Engaging with a mentor can accelerate your professional growth and provide valuable insights that you might not gain on your own. Mentors can introduce you to their networks, further expanding your connections and opportunities. By learning from their experiences, you can develop strategies and skills that set you apart in the competitive real estate market. 


Worth Clark Realty regularly hosts events to help agents network and build relationships within their community. Our agent lunches, for example, offer a great opportunity to meet other professionals, enjoy local cuisine, and discuss industry trends. These gatherings provide a relaxed environment to create new connections and strengthen existing ones. If you’re interested in attending an event in your area or learning more about our training and mentorship opportunities, book a call with us today. Start building your network today and watch your real estate career soar. 

About the Author
Kate Notz
Kate Notz is the Digital Marketing Specialist at Worth Clark Realty. She likes helping people, being creative, and spending time with family.